The Super Secret Racist History of…

I never was a big square dancer but in spite of its super secret, racist history I will continue to square dance if I have the chance. Even though I was indoctrinated into this white supremacist ritual at an early age, probably 1st grade if I remember correctly, why let Henry Ford and his lunacy kill a fun thing? After all, Ford was wrong thinking people didn’t get drunk, stumble around in the dark and have wild sex with someone they just met at the square dance in a haystack afterwards. It happened I am sure. Square dancing provided a site of moral temptation to many.

In fact, the people who had the right idea on morals and dancing were the earlier Puritans who disdained all dancing. No dancing at all prevents moral slips! It also prevents FUN, which is also a tool of Jews conspiring to make white people subject to African secret sex rituals! Any kind of fun should be suspect. Square dancing might look like white supremacy unleashed but I do contend it is actually a rank and bottomless pit of amoral instinct unleashed by bodily motion. After all anything involving movement of the body might be linked to Africa. Or, to secret European human sacrifice dances done before those pale savages were properly and (nearly) permanently made into dour if earnest handmaidens to Christ. So since dancing is just risky, no matter which way you look at it, I will continue to risk my morally upright character and dance. All dances, all national dances, all countries and styles! However, I will not polka dance. That is too square and corny. No way. A lively square dance, preferably in the company of goofy white people in funny hats — can be sexy and most importantly NOT CORNY in the right circumstances I guess… 😉 Corny is the limit for me. But corniness is socially constructed to one degree or another. I think…


Hope your Holiday season is churning along!

Things do seem to have gotten out of hand if a completely unknown individual like Justine Sacco can make a dumb and racist comment, and — lose her job. Many people make the same comments, or comments that can be construed in that way, and they don’t lose their jobs and the entire world is not exploding with outrage. Probably, few would be working if that happened, and the world would just not have time for all that outrage — which would be continuous since people say shitty things all day long if you take into account all the people in the world. I mean someone somewhere, is saying something insensitive, fat phobic, racially insensitive, vertically challenged phobic, homophobic, transphobic, or just plain retarded! Oops! There I go, I said something insensitive… Can I say “stupid”? Not sure any more. I know the term “lame” is contested in some circles. Any way… Apparently, even for an unknown, random person, social media is like a megaphone that can be heard the entire world over. Imagine her shock when she discovered that the entire WORLD was in outrage over her tweet! People apparently, just LOVE to be outraged! It makes them feel superior and morally righteous. Mob action… I am aware of this tendency but the Sacco story and others make you take pause even more deeply… It takes the fun and spontaneity out of social media. I wonder if people will get over this tendency to be outraged over every dumb tweet? Or, I guess people will just censor themselves…

The Year of Our Outrage

Have a fantastic New Year and – try not to let the humorless, the easily put-upon, or the nutbags with an agenda get you down. Try not to stay stupid things also, but since we all do say them sometimes, at least – try not to tweet them. And, if you do, let’s hope people have some perspective but — don’t hold your breath! They probably will not.