Overdose – the Next Financial Crisis (and how we got to where we are now)

Here’s another film, found and vetted by yours truly for you on Kitman TV .

The film, Overdose is a fascinating and entertaining look into what caused the current economic crisis, which we can’t seem to entirely shake. Is the economy beginning to strengthen, staying the same, or beginning to worsen from one month to the next? No one is ever entirely sure and opinions shift as time works on the crisis, a crisis that feels increasingly chronic instead of temporary. The country’s debt rises and unemployment remains high as companies continue to not invest or take risks.

Even so, there are signs that the gloom is lifting. I’ve interviewed at start-ups that are optimistic about their prospects. There are companies being formed while others founder. Even so, many are out of work in what appears increasingly to be a chronic lapse of employment; debt rises and the stimulus that was to remedy the situation feels nearly spectral, vague and theoretical — what did it really accomplish any way? We know the money did something, no doubt, but just what was that, and why was it not enough to change this lingering malaise?

And, of course, there could be a crash if our debt gets too high, and some places- like Greece, are already feeling the rumblings of that crash, shifting and heaving the entire country to collapse under a rising and huge debt. Well, it could happen here folks and if it does, that’s really bad news. Like nothing seen in our lifetime, even worse than what’s happening right now. And, this recession is already the deepest I’ve seen in mine.

The economists interviewed in this film all predicted previous crisis and were laughed off the news, their warnings are dire, and the style of the film, Overdose, is fast-paced, but not apocalyptic. And, the film is clear and dramatically points out that no one political party is responsible for this deep recession, but that government and speculation and greed, and — more government — helped to create this economic maelstrom.

And, SEE THE WHOLE THING here, on the original site at Kitman TV: Kitman TV – Politically Incorrect Documentaries Online: Overdose – The Next Financial Crisis.