Leading Cuban Dissident – founder of Ladies in White has died

An important Cuban dissident, and founding member of the anti-Castro/anti-communist group, Ladies in White, has passed away in Cuba.

Pollán, founder of Ladies in White, dies of heart attack – Cuba – MiamiHerald.com

Polla’n had described the battle of the Ladies in White as one for “human rights and freedom” in Cuba. May her battle and the battle of other dissidents in Cuba for liberty be won!

Steve Jobs 1955-2011: An individual who changed the world

Steve Jobs – an individual who changed the world, creating beautiful machines with air light efficiency. Thank you

As I reflect on his creative journey, while typing this on my MacBook, I reflect also on all the recent “Occupy Wall Street” protests morphing all over the country. And, while I can well understand their frustration with crony capitalism, high unemployment and a sagging economy, a frustration they share with the Tea Party, I also see a lot of mindless anti-capitalist cries for “revolution” or for money they feel is owed to them somehow by banks, or the rich and successful. And, of course, there’s “Power to the People”, and other silly rejoinders. I know more than a few want to end free enterprise, or tether enterprise even more strongly to government control.

So, it’s a good time to remember entrepreneurs like Jobs, who couldn’t have created his beautiful machines in a system that did not encourage innovation and allow free enterprise. He came from relatively ordinary beginnings to discover his dream through hard work and a ruthless imaginative power that demanded the best. The wealth created by Apple products is not just shared by its founders, employees, or stock holders, but by anyone who owns one of these elegant machines.

Many of the protesters are Apple fans, I wonder how many of them are able to draw this simple connection?